Sally Kang

why join the navy.

Dive into CRIU (1) - Setup And Dump A Process

12 Sep 2022

[ criu  Linux  ]

First, What is CRIU?

If you are wondering how to do time and space travel inside a Linux containers, then I guess this blog is something you might be interested in. Checkpoint-Restore in Userspace (or CRIU) is a super cool open-source project started by virtualization software company — Virtuozoo — also known for being the creator of OpenVZ.

Considering you are using a Cloud Native Architechture to develop your application, say that is running inside a container, then CRIU is something can freeze a process inside a container and live migrate it to another container (with some constraints, for example the new container must have the same running environment)

Quick Demo

how CRIU can dump and restore a TCP connections v2

To find the secret behind CRIU, let’s dive deeper into CRIU’s source code now :)

Set up

First let’s get the source code from github. As it mentioned on the official documents here here’s a docker-build target in Makefile which builds CRIU in Ubuntu Docker container. Just run make docker-build , since we don’t want to start a new docker process every single time we play with CRIU, so add one more line at the end of the Dockerfile which located at scripts/build :

ENTRYPOINT ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]

This would make CRIU container keep running.

Then we start the CRIU container : docker run --privileged --cap-add=all -d -t criu-x86_64

NOTE: criu needs the root privilege to run inside the container.

Warm Up 1: How Does Linux Identify Processes

Now we all probably know that applications deployed in Linux system, no matter what programming languages they are written, they would end up running in Linux system as processes. This concerns us because that’s where all the CRIU stuff could work like a charm.

We can skip the part of creation of a processes in Linux, but how does Linux identify processes?

Well , a program is identified by its process ID (PID) as well as it’s parent processes ID (PPID), therefore processes can further be categorized into:

In fact, all information about running process in Linux can be found under the directory /proc. You can think /proc as a virtual filesystem. It’s also referred to as a process information pseudo-file system. It doesn’t contain ‘real’ files but runtimesystem information (e.g. system memory, devices mounted, hardware configuration, etc).

In /proc, there are things CRIU need to actually checkpoint/restore a process, including:

	Directory, which contains all file descriptors.
	Memory held by this process.
	Memory maps to executables and library files.


Warm Up 2: The ptrace() system call in Linux

By default, CRIU makes use of ptrace to collect process information and stop the process. What you need to know about ptrace:

The ptrace() system call provides a means by which one process (the “tracer”) may observe and control the execution of another process (the “tracee”), and examine and change the tracee’s memory and registers. It is primarily used to implement breakpoint debugging and system call tracing. See

Dumping A Simle Program

Let’s start from a simple demo from the official website first:

create a

$ cat > <<-EOF
while :; do
    sleep 1
$ chmod +x
$ setsid ./  < /dev/null &> test.log &

Make a new folder named test_criu under the code base directory ./criu, copy it into the container when building the CRIU image so we don’t need to create the same script every time we restart the container.

COPY test_criu /criu

After running docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID bash, now we are in the container.

By doing following, You get the pid of the running process

ps -C

Using this simple command, you can dump the process:

criu dump -t $pid -vvv -o dump.log && echo OK

We can see CRIU created a bunch of image files: ee

Collect Process Tree And Freeze It

The Mechanics

TL;DR There are three steps:

More details at CRIU explains checkpont/restore

Code Implementation of Collecting Process tree

The entry code located at ./criu/criutools.c


So still remember the command we used to dump the process ?

criu dump -t $pid -vvv -o dump.log 

We passed the pid of our process to the -t flag, -t flag can be written as --tree as well, CRIU would then walk though /proc/$pid/task/ directory collecting threads and through the /proc/$pid/task/$tid/children to gathers children recursively.

-t|--tree PID         checkpoint a process tree identified by PID

The CRIU command options are parsed in criutools.c to execute dumping task

if (opts.mode == CR_DUMP
	if (!opts.tree_id)
		goto opt_pid_missing;
		return cr_dump_tasks(opts.tree_id);

Now we jumped into cr-dump.c to see what’s going on:

* The collect_pstree will also stop (PTRACE_SEIZE) the tasks
* thus ensuring that they don't modify anything we collect
* afterwards.

if (collect_pstree())
	goto err;

As you can read here, CRIU supports two different methods for freezing the state of the process and its sub tasks.

By default, CRIU makes use of ptrace to stop the process, so here we just go through with the ptrace method

The ptrace() system call provides a means by which one process (the “tracer”) may observe and control the execution of another process (the “tracee”), and examine and change the tracee’s memory and registers. It is primarily used to implement breakpoint debugging and system call tracing. See

int collect_pstree(void)
	pid_t pid = root_item->pid->real;
	int ret = -1;
	struct proc_status_creds creds;


	 * wait4() may hang for some reason. Enable timer and fire SIGALRM
	 * if timeout reached. SIGALRM handler will do  the necessary
	 * cleanups and terminate current process.

	if (opts.freeze_cgroup && cgroup_version())
		goto err;

	pr_debug("Detected cgroup V%d freezer\n", cgroup_v2 ? 2 : 1);

	if (opts.freeze_cgroup && freeze_processes())
		goto err;

	if (!opts.freeze_cgroup && compel_interrupt_task(pid)) {
		goto err;

CRIU uses the request value PTRACE_INTERRUPT and PTRACE_SEIZE of ptrace():


We can see from the code, CRIU first checks if the freeze_cgroup flag is set, if it is not set, the ptree method would be used.

CRIU send PTRACE_SEIZE request using ptree system call with the calling process we want to dump, PTRACE_SEIZE does not stop the process but returns the stop signal, a PTRACE_SEIZEd process can accept PTRACE_INTERRUPT (PTRACE_INTERRUPT only works on tracees attached by PTRACE_SEIZE), so we can see CRIU send PTRACE_INTERRUPT request to actually stop the process after it has been SEIZEd, also, the “seized” behavior just we described here will be inherited by all children processes.

 PTRACE_INTERRUPT only works on tracees attached by PTRACE_SEIZE.
int compel_interrupt_task(int pid)
	int ret;

	ret = ptrace(PTRACE_SEIZE, pid, NULL, 0);
	if (ret) {
		 * ptrace API doesn't allow to distinguish
		 * attaching to zombie from other errors.
		 * All errors will be handled in compel_wait_task().
		pr_warn("Unable to interrupt task: %d (%s)\n", pid, strerror(errno));
		return ret;

	 * If we SEIZE-d the task stop it before going
	 * and reading its stat from proc. Otherwise task
	 * may die _while_ we're doing it and we'll have
	 * inconsistent seize/state pair.
	 * If task dies after we seize it but before we
	 * do this interrupt, we'll notice it via proc.
	ret = ptrace(PTRACE_INTERRUPT, pid, NULL, NULL);
	if (ret < 0) {
		pr_warn("SEIZE %d: can't interrupt task: %s\n", pid, strerror(errno));
		if (ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, pid, NULL, NULL))
			pr_perror("Unable to detach from %d", pid);

	return ret;

Once CRIU has done sending PTRACE_SEIZE and PTRACE_INTERRUPT request in the compel_interrupt_task method, it then waits in the compel_wait_task method for the task to be actually stopped by parsing and checking the status from /proc/PID/status. image

In the compel_wait_task method we can see that CRIU also retrieves information about the signal that caused the stop by using PTRACE_GETSIGINFO request, it will set the PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD option to distinguish syscall-stops from other kinds of ptrace-stops, since it is reliable and does not incur a performance penalty (see more at here)

By doing this, CRIU makes sure that the task is stopped by a supported stop signal and send it again to restore task state before criu intervention.

ret = ptrace(PTRACE_GETSIGINFO, pid, NULL, &si);
	if (ret < 0) {
		pr_perror("SEIZE %d: can't read signfo", pid);
		goto err;


		pr_perror("Unable to set PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD for %d", pid);
		return -1;

Also worth mentioning, all the sub-processes and threads of this process would also be stopped by repeating compel_interrupt_task and compel_wait_task method in a Deep-First-Search manner.

static int collect_threads(struct pstree_item *item)
	for (i = 0; i < nr_threads; i++) {
		if (!opts.freeze_cgroup && compel_interrupt_task(pid))
		ret = compel_wait_task(pid, item_ppid(item), parse_pid_status, NULL, &t_creds.s, NULL);
		if (ret < 0) {
			 * Here is a race window between parse_threads() and seize(),
			 * so the task could die for these time.
			 * Don't worry, will try again on the next attempt. The number
			 * of attempts is restricted, so it will exit if something
			 * really wrong.
static int collect_children(struct pstree_item *item)
	for (i = 0; i < nr_children; i++) {
		if (!opts.freeze_cgroup)
			/* fails when meets a zombie */

		ret = compel_wait_task(pid, item->pid->real, parse_pid_status, NULL, &creds.s, NULL);
		if (ret < 0) {
			 * Here is a race window between parse_children() and seize(),
			 * so the task could die for these time.
			 * Don't worry, will try again on the next attempt. The number
			 * of attempts is restricted, so it will exit if something
			 * really wrong.
			ret = 0;

		if (ret == TASK_ZOMBIE)
			ret = TASK_DEAD;

		if (ret == TASK_STOPPED)
			c->pid->stop_signo = compel_parse_stop_signo(pid);
		/* Here is a recursive call (Depth-first search) */
		ret = collect_task(c);
		if (ret < 0)
			goto free;

Now that the process’s tasks tree is all frozen, CRIU does the following:

We will dive into these parts in the next blog : )

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